Mobile Communications
TMX 8825 (25W)
TMX 8810 (10 W)
Installation Manual
This manual contains installation instructions for the TMX-8825 and
TMX-8810 Mobile Radios and associated accessories. Included are mounting
instructions, for connecting the ignition cable assemblies and suggested cable
routings. Interconnection and wiring diagrams are contained in the back of
this manual.
Carefully unpack the Two-Way Radio. It is recommended that you identify
the items ordered and check them off in the box below before discarding the
packing material. If any damage has occurred to the equipment during ship-
ment, file a claim with the carrier immediately.
Two-Way Radio
Microphone 19B801398P4
Microphone Hanger 19B801398P5
Battery Power Cable 19B801358P2
Mounting Hardware Kit 19A138051G11
Option PD1A (PD01) - Noise Suppression Kit 19A148539G1
Option PS1C (PS03)
Option PS1D (PS04)
- AC Power Supply 121 Volt, 60 Hz, 13
- AC Power Supply 121/242 Volt, 50/60 Hz,
13Amp 19A704647P3
Option MC1M (MC05) - Desk Microphone 19B851086P10
Option CC3N (CC08) - Option Cable 19C851585P3
Option CC3P (CC09) - Universal Tone Cable (requires Option
CC08) 19C851585P5
Option CC3R (CC10) - Power Cable (20 foot) 19B801358P4
Option LS1E (LS01)
- External Speaker (Dash Mount)
(requires Option CC08)
Option SU1C (SU01) - External Alarm (Horn) Relay 19A705499P1
(requires Option CC08) and SU02)
Option SU1F (SU02)
- External Alarm ON/OFF Switch
(requires Option SU01)
Option MA1L (MA03) - Desk Radio Mounting Wedge 19C851685G2
The original option numbers for the TMX-8825 and TMX-8810
options have been replaced with new option numbers. both the old
and new option numbers are shown for clarity. The new option
number is shown first, and the old option number is shown in
parentheses. For example:
External Speaker Option LS1E(LS01)--whereOptionLS1E is the
new option number, and (LS01) is the old option number.
Interference with Vehicular Electronics - Electronic fuel injec-
tion systems, electronic anti-skid braking systems, electronic
cruise control systems, etc., are typical of the types of electronic
devices which may be prone to malfunction due to the lack of
protection from radio frequency energy present when transmit-
ting. If the vehicle contains such equipment, consult the dealer
for the make of the vehicle and enlist his aid in determining if
such electronic circuits will perform normally when the radio is
The accompanying illustrations should help you in your installation.
Before starting, plan your installation carefully so that it will be:
Safe for the operator and passengers in the vehicle.
Safe to operate within easy reach of controls and microphone.
Protected from damage from water.
Easy for the serviceman to service.
Oriented to minimize refections in LCD display.
Out of the way of auto mechanics.
The equipment required for installing the radio is:
Electric Drill
No. 31 (1/8-inch) drill for No. 8 screws
No. 27 (9/64-inch) drill for No. 10 screws
Phillips screwdriver
Crimp tool for terminals and antenna connector.
No. 20 TORX® driver or 1/4-inch HEX driver for mounting radio
5/8-inch punch or hole saw for rubber grommet
It is suggested that you take advantage of the experience of one of themany
authorized General Electric Service Stations located throughout the United
States by having them install the equipment.
TORX® Trademark of CAMCAR Division, TEXTRON, Inc.
Be careful to avoid damaging some vital part (fuel tank, trans-
mission housing, etc.) of the vehicle when drilling mounting
holes. Always check to see how far the mounting screws will
extend below the mounting surface before installing.
Figure 2 - Typical Hump or Dash Mount
Radioinstallations in vehicles poweredbyliquefiedpetroleumgas
must conform to the following requirements.
Radio installations in vehicles powered by liquefied petroleum gas with
the LP-gas container in the trunk or other sealed-off space within the interior
of the vehicle must conform to the National Fire Protection Association
Standard NFPA 58 which requires that:
Space containing radio equipment shall be isolated by a seal from the
space containing the LP-gas container and its fitting.
Outside filling connections shall be used for the LP-gas container.
The LP-gas container space shall be vented to the outside of the
To assure feasibility of the cable routing you plan to use, it is suggested
that you run the cables before mounting the equipment. Be sure to leave some
slack in the cables going to the equipment so that the equipment may be pulled
out for servicing with the power applied and antenna attached.
Try to route the cables away from locations where they will be exposed to
heat (exhaust pipes, mufflers, tailpipes, etc.), battery acids, sharp edges or
mechanicaldamage, or where theywillbea nuisance toautomobilemechanics,
the driver or passengers. Keep wiring away from electronic computer mod-
ules, other electronic modules and ignition circuits to help prevent interference
to these components and radio equipment.
In addition, try to utilize existing holes in the firewall and trunkwall and
the channels above and beneath the doors. You may also use the channel
through door and window columns, where they are convenient for running
cables, unless you plan to install rigid or flexible conduit in which to run the
The Power Cable consists of a red lead, an orange lead, a black lead, a 3
pin systems plug, and a set of fuses and fuse holders to be installed (See Figure
ToinstallthePowerCable,startwiththeplugendofthe cableat the location
of the radio and run the three leads to the firewall, drill a 5/8 inch hole and
insert a rubber grommet (customer supplied).
To install the fuses: 1)Cut off 12 to 18 inches from the red and orange
wires; 2) Strip back the insulation approximately 3/8 of an inch on each end
of the wires; 3) Insert the stripped end of each wire into the small opening at
the endofeachfuseholdersectionand crimp thewiretothefuseholdersection;
and 4) Place the fuse into the large section of the fuse holder and snap the large
end of the fuse holder to the small end of the fuse holder.
Connect the orange fused lead to the positive (+) battery terminal, and the
black to the negative (-) battery terminal. Always locate the fuse as close to
the battery as possible.
Connect the red lead to the ignition "on" sense point (preferably an
"Accessory" point on the fuse panel that is switched on when the ignition
switch is in the accessory position and in the "run" position). Locate the fuse
as close as possible to the accessory point.
With some accessory points, the voltage only drops when the
ignition switch is in the START position. A connection point
should be used where the voltage is completely off when the
ignition switch is in the START position.
Certain problems may be encountered when accessory equip-
mentis connected totheignitionoraccessorylinesofthe vehicle,
where these lines may have large filter capacitors or a leakage
path present.
If the radio does not turn off within a reasonable amount of time
after the ignition is turned off, first try a different accessory or
ignition sense pick up point in the vehicle. Many vehicles have
more than one circuit that is switched by the ignition switch, and
one may be available that does not have large filter capacitors or
a leakage path present.
If a different pickup point cannot be found, then add a 470-ohm
1-watt resistor from the ignition sense pickup point to ground.
This will dischargethecapacitor(s) or reduce the leakage voltage
toa low value. Currentdrainthroughthisresistorwill beminimal
(less than 0.03A) when the ignition is switched on.
Coil up the surplus cables and securethem out of theway with theretaining
strap provided. Be sure to leave some slack in the cables going to the radio so
that it may be pulled out for servicing with power applied.
Figure 4 - Mounting Dimensions
Mount the radio so that the controls are within reach of the operator. Use
the mounting bracket as a template to locate the holes, and mount the radio as
shown in Figure 5. Be sure to leave enough room at the rear of the radio for
cable connections.
Figure 5 - Installing Mounting Bracket
Normally, the microphone is shipped connected to the microphone jack on
the bottom of the radio. A cable clamp is used for strain relief and is attached
to the bottom of the radio using a M4-0.7x8 Hex Head screw.
Figure 6 - Microphone Connection and Strain Relief
Mount the magnetic microphone bracket where it will be within easy reach
of the operator, but will not interfere with safe operation of the vehicle. Refer
to Figure 7 for bracket dimensions. The microphone must be placed in the
hanger so that the cord end of the mike housing is over the magnet assembly.
To mount the bracket, drill three No. 32 (1/8-inch) pilot holes, and use the No.
8 x 5/8 screws supplied with the bracket.
The magnetic hookswitch must be used with Channel Guard
Figure 7 - Microphone Bracket Mounting
Installation instructions for the antenna are packaged with the antenna. The
antenna must be installed in accordance with good engineering practices for
optimum results.
A permanent mount type of antenna should be located in the center of the
roof or rear deck. Glass mounted antennas should be kept as high as possible
in the center of the rear window. Some states have laws restricting vision
obstructing items from the window. Be familiar with local laws before install-
ing glass mount antennas.
Try to route the cable away from locations where it will be exposed to heat,
sharp edges or mechanical damage, and where it will be out of the way of the
driver, passengers, or vehicle mechanics. Wherever possible, existing holes in
the trunk wall, and the channels above or beneath doors and window columns
should be utilized.
Avoid routing the antenna cable near any electronic modules or along side
any vehicle wiring.
Connect the antenna cable to the TNC connector on the radio.
In station applications, the radio may not operate properly with
the antenna mounted near the radio. Always mount the antenna
at least 5 feet from the radio.
Figure 8 - Bottom View
Figure 9 - Bottom View (Cover Removed)
OPTION PS1C (PS01) (19A704647P2) 121 Volts, 60 Hz
OPTION PS1D (PS02) (19A704647P3) 121/242 Volts,50/60 Hz
1. An empty connector housing and terminals are provided with the
power supply. Crimp three terminals on the end of the 9 foot power
cable provided with the radio. An optional 20 foot cable is available.
2. Insert the orange and red leads into pins 3, 6, or 9 of the connector
housing. Insert the black lead into pins 1, 4, or 7. Figure 10 provides
an illustration of the empty connector housing which plugs into J1 of
the power supply.
Figure 10 - Rear View of Empty Connector Housing
1. The desk microphone plugs into the microphone jack on the bottom
of the radio. Remove the standard microphone and reuse the same
cable clamp for strain relief.
2. If needed, adjust the microphone gain depending on the normal
talking distance from the microphone. Access the gain control
through the small hole on the bottom of the microphone base.
3. The microphone audio is normally switched off when the PTTbutton
is released. If the microphone audio needs to be active at all times, a
jumper must be placed across the switch inside the microphone.
The Option Cable brings all option connections from the System Board
through the back of the radio to the outside. This cable is required with all
external options. Supplied with the Option Cable is the empty connector
housing which plugs into P2 of the Option Cable. Pins supplied on the ends of
the wires of each option (Molex #39-00-0060) are inserted into this connector
housing. Refer to the Interconnection Diagram in the back of this manual. See
Figure 11 for pin locations.
1. Remove the bottom cover of the radio by removing the two bottom
cover retaining screws. Refer to Figure 8.
2. Remove the rubber plug from the slotted opening in the rear of the
radio adjacent to the power cable.
3. Plug the Option Cable into J905A on the System Board and push the
strain relief on the cable into the slotted opening. Refer to Figure 9.
4. Before replacing thebottomcover, check to see if the particular option
being added requires unplugging the internal speaker or changing a
jumper (Refer to the section describing the option).
Figure 11 - Option Cable Pin Locations
The Universal Tone Cable option requires the use of Option Cable CC3N
(CC08). P1 of the Universal Tone Cable plugs into P2 of the Option Cable.
The Universal Tone Cable Option provides all option connections on P2 and
a 9-pin Winchester connector for connecting to external tone encoders or
decoders. See Figure 12.
Ifthe tonedecoderrequires switchingthe internalspeaker,removetheradio
bottom cover and cut the PC run between holes 6 and 7 on the System Board.
Refer to Figure 9 for PC run identification.
Figure 12 - Tone Cable Pin Location
1. Mount the External Speaker where the sound will be directed to the
operator but not interfere with his vision or provide a hazard to
passengers in case of an accident. The speaker may be mounted on
the lower edge of the instrument panel, the firewall, or above the
windshield in some trucks. Use the mounting bracket as a template
for locating the mounting holes, and mount the speaker as shown in
Figure 13.
2. Install the Option Cable CC3N (CC08) if not already present.
3. Before replacing the bottom cover of the radio, unplug the internal
speaker from A5 J904 on the System Board. Refer to Figure 9.
4. Pins are supplied on the ends of the speaker leads. Push these pins
into pins 2 and 9 of the connector housing supplied with the Option
Cable. Refer to Figure 11.
5. Plug the connector into P2 of the Option Cable.
Figure 13 - Mounting the Speaker
(SUO1) (19A705499P1)
The Alarm Relay Option requires the the use of Option Cable CC3N
(CC08). External Alarm ON/OFF Switch Option SU1F (SU02) is required to
allow the horn relay to be disabled when desired. The Option consists of the
following items:
(1) Relay (19A149299P1)
(1) Fuse holder
(1) Fuse, 1 amp, 250 volt
4 feet red wire, AWG #18 with Ring Tongue Terminal for 3/8 stud
6 feet black wire, AWG #18 with Molex #39-00-0060 terminal
(5) Insulated 1/4 inch spade tab receptacles
(1) Ring Tongue Terminal for 3/8 inch stud
(1) #8 x 3/4 long Type A sheet metal screw
(1) Nut Plate for #8 screw
1. Install the Option Cable CC3N (CC08) in the radio.
2. Fasten the relay in the desired location, close to the voltage source,
using one #8 x 3/4 inch self-tapping screw.
3. Crimp an insulated 1/4 inch spade tab receptacle to one end of the
#18 red wire. Connect the receptacleto relay lug #86. Cut the red lead
so the fuse assembly is close to the voltage source. Install the fuse
holder. Attach the other end of the fuse lead to the voltage sourcewith
appropriate hardware. See Figure 14.
4. Insert the black wire with the Molex terminal into pin 13 of theoption
connector housing supplied with the option cable. Plug the connector
into the option cable.
If External Alarm ON/OFF Switch Option SU1F (SU02) is
used in conjunction with this option, refer to External Alarm
ON/OFF Switch Option SU1F (SU02).
5. Crimp insulated 1/4 inch spade tab receptacle to the other end of the
black wire. Connect the receptacle to relay lug #85.
6. Connect the horn or light circuit to lugs # 30 and #87 (not 87a) using
the insulated 1/4 inch spade tab receptacles.
The relay contact make/break current and voltage rating is 30
amps at 16 volts.
(SU02) (19C851585P7)
The External Alarm Switch, when used with External Alarm Relay Option
SU01, allows the alarm relay to be disabled. Connect the switch in series with
the black wire from the relay. Insert the wire with the Molex terminal into pin
13 of the option cable connector housing. Splice the other switch lead to the
black wire from the relay. See Figure 14.
(19D901983 Sh 2 Rev.4)
(19D901983 Sh 3 Rev.3)
Printed in U.S.A.
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