Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe
User Guide
SK-TSC-1125S User Guide
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This evaluation system must only be used for test applications
in an evaluation laboratory environment!
© Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH
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SK-TSC-1125S User Guide
0 Contents
REVISION HISTORY.............................................................................................................. 2
WARRANTY AND DISCLAIMER........................................................................................... 3
0 CONTENTS........................................................................................................................ 4
1 OVERVIEW........................................................................................................................ 5
1.1 Abstract..................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Features.................................................................................................................... 6
1.3 General Description .................................................................................................. 6
2 INSTALLATION................................................................................................................. 7
2.1 Setup (Starter Kit Hardware)..................................................................................... 7
2.2 Setup (PC Software) ................................................................................................. 8
2.3 Pictures..................................................................................................................... 8
2.4 Jumper settings....................................................................................................... 10
ADA-16FX-TSC-LCD ................................................................................ 11
2.5 I2C header (X1) pinout (ADA-16FX-TSC-LCD) ...................................................... 12
2.6 LCD header (X5) pinout (ADA-16FX-TSC-LCD)..................................................... 12
2.7 Further connection options...................................................................................... 12
TERMINAL PROGRAM................................................................................................... 13
4 RELATED PRODUCTS ................................................................................................... 16
5 INFORMATION IN THE WWW........................................................................................ 17
6 CHINA ROHS REGULATION.......................................................................................... 18
7 RECYCLING .................................................................................................................... 19
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© Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH
SK-TSC-1125S User Guide
1 Overview
1.1 Abstract
The SK-TSC-1125S Starter Kit allows easy evaluation of the FMA1125 Touch Sensor
Controller. It consists of the following parts:
1x SK-TSC-1125S-TB touch board with FMA1125 TSC
1x 10-pin ribbon cable
3x FMA1125DC-24S Sample
In order to use the free example software, an SK-16FX-EUROSCOPE Starter Kit
is required as host system, which has to be ordered separately. In this case,
the included ADA-16FX-TSC-LCD and ribbon cable can be used to connect
both PCBs.
The SK-TSC-1125S-SB itself can alternatively be connected to any suitable
host PCB using appropriate connections.
A demo firmware allows direct evaluation of the touch sensor, and provides various
commands to tune the TSC parameters using a command-line interface and a terminal
program. The newest version of the demo firmware, the SK-Wizard (the recommended
terminal program) and additional information can be downloaded from the TSC product
This manual will describe the behaviour when used with the above demo firmware where
needed (e.g. tuning with command line interface). Of course the Starter Kit itself can also be
used with different host software and / or hardware combinations.
This evaluation system must only be used for test applications
in an evaluation laboratory environment!
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SK-TSC-1125S User Guide
1.2 Features
< FMA1125DC-24S Touch Sensor Controller (SSOP24 package) with 4-8 touch input
channels and 4-8 digital I/Os (4 pins can be I/O or touch input)
< Connector for up to eight touch input channels, with ‘mini-slider’ on PCB
< Four LEDs connected to TSC GPIO pins
< 10-pin connector for I2C and interrupt signals
< Adapter board (ADA-16FX-TSC-LCD) to connect to SK-16FX-EUROSCOPE (SK-16FX-
EUROSCOPE not included)
< Connector for standard parallel LC Display (on ADA-16FX-TSC-LCD)
< 3.3-5V operation
1.3 General Description
The SK-TSC-1125S is a starter kit and evaluation system for the FMA1125 Touch Sensor
Controller (TSC). The kit uses an SK-16FX-EUROSCOPE Starter Kit (to be ordered
separately) holding the 16FX MB96F348 MCU as host platform, so that the user can easily
develop TSC applications using the EUROSCOPE debugging environment. The TSC touch
board is connected using a 10-pole ribbon cable which holds the power supply lines, the I2C
connection as well as reset- and interrupt lines.
Different demo firmware variants, also supporting parameter tuning using a PC terminal
program, can be downloaded from the web to demonstrate different applications of the TSC.
Additionally, a standard parallel LCD (20x4) can be connected to the ADA-16FX-TSC-LCD.
When the LCD is present, depending on the application, some information will be displayed,
such as the distribution of the touch strength among the input channels. The same
information can also be obtained by the terminal program interface.
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© Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH
SK-TSC-1125S User Guide
2 Installation
2.1 Setup (Starter Kit Hardware)
Carefully remove the PCBs from the shipping carton.
Please follow the steps below to assemble the Starter Kit:
1. Connect the ribbon cable end with the pull relief to X1 on the ADA-16FX-TSC-LCD.
Pin1 (Marked on the cable) of the cable must be on the left side close to the pin
header X3. Please note that for compatibility with earlier products, the plug of
this cable end is rotated so that the Pin1 marking of the cable is at the opposite
side of the one on the plug.
2. Mount the ADA-16FX-TSC-LCD on the SK-16FX-EUROSCOPE by pressing it on X2
of the SK-16FX-100PMC PCB. Be sure that both connectors match exactly before
pressing both boards together. X2 is the pin header close to the SUB-D connectors
3. OPTIONAL: Connect the LCD (not included) to X5 of the ADA-16FX-TSC-LCD. Pin1
is located on the left side. The example software assumes a 20x4 LCD (e.g.
DisplayTech 204B). Optionally a resistor can be mounted for the LCD backlight
supply via Pins 15 and 16 of X5. Contrast can be set using RP1 on the ADA-16FX-
TSC-LCD board.
4. Connect the remaining ribbon cable end to the touch board SK-TSC-1125S-TB. Pin1
of the cable must be located in direction of the lower PCB edge.
5. Connect the SK-16FX-100PMC to a PC via USB using a standard USB connection.
Please proceed as explained in the SK-16FX-EUROSCOPE user guide. It can be
found on the CD accompanying the SK-16FX-EUROSCOPE; this CD also contains
the USB drivers, the Softune Workbench and the EUROSCOPE debugging
environment. The example firmware can be programmed using the Flash
programmer which can also be found on the same CD.
© Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH
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SK-TSC-1125S User Guide
2.2 Setup (PC Software)
The installation of the USB driver is described in the SK-16FX-EUROSCOPE
documentation. In case the USB connection is only used as power supply, the driver
installation is optional. Communication with the demo firmware also is possible using the
standard RS232 connector (‘UART A’) on the SK-16FX-EUROSCOPE.
The newest version of the demo and tuning firmware can be downloaded at
The .mhx file from the archive can directly be programmed to the host MCU using the Flash
programmer on the SK-16FX-EUROSCOPE CD.
After power-up, the host MCU will start the initialization of the FMA1125 TSC.
The demo firmware for the MB96340 Series MCU on the SK-16FX-EUROSCOPE offers
several functions to support a quick and easy setup and tuning of the application. The
tuning process is explained more in detail later in this document.
Generally, the command line can be accessed by any PC terminal program. However, not all
terminal programs support the ‘form feed’ command to clear the screen; this is used for the
real-time monitoring modes. Therefore the Fujitsu ‘SK Wizard’ is recommended for tuning; it
can be downloaded free of charge at
Communication settings for the serial port are 8N1 at 115200baud (8 bits, no parity, 1 stop
After connection to the starter kit, type ‘help’ followed by the ‘enter’ key for a list and short
description of available commands.
2.3 Pictures
Figure 1: SK-TSC-1125S-TB (front)
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SK-TSC-1125S User Guide
Figure 2: System set-up
(LCD and SK-16FX EUROSCOPE not included!)
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SK-TSC-1125S User Guide
2.4 Jumper settings
2.4.1 SK-TSC-1125S-TB
I2C SCL line not connected to Pull-up resistor
I2C SCL line connected to Pull-up resistor
I2C SDA line not connected to Pull-up resistor
I2C SDA line connected to Pull-up resistor
LEDs not connected to VCC
LEDs connected to VCC
(SCL pull-up)
(SDA pull-up)
TINT not connected to X1
TINT connected to X1
GINT not connected to X1
GINT connected to X1
Chip ID = 0x68
Chip ID = 0x69
Clock can be provided by test pin TP1
TCLK pin connected to GND
Internal LDO not connected
Internal logic supplied by internal LDO
In most cases, the default settings will not have to be changed.
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SK-TSC-1125S User Guide
2.4.2 ADA-16FX-TSC-LCD
I2C SCL line not connected to Pull-up resistor
I2C SCL line connected to Pull-up resistor
I2C SDA line not connected to Pull-up resistor
I2C SDA line connected to Pull-up resistor
TSC Reset Pin (X1 Pin 8) not connected
TSC Reset Pin connected to MCU pin 17 (P04_3)
TSC SDA (X1 Pin 2) not connected to MCU
TSC SDA connected to MCU
(SCL pull-up)
(SDA pull-up)
(TSC Reset)
LCD Backlight not connected or only via R4/R5
LCD Backlight directly connected to VCC
TSC SCL (X1 Pin 1) not connected to MCU
TSC SCL connected to MCU
(LCD Backlight)
The contrast for the (optional) LC display can be adjusted using RP1.
A resistor suitable for the LCD backlight can be soldered on the PCB (R4 for 0805, R5 for
0805 or 1206). JP5 should only be closed if the LCD itself is equipped with a suitable series
resistor for the backlight.
The TSC starter kit uses the default jumper settings of the SK-16FX-EUROSCOPE. Please
refer to the user manual of the SK-16FX-EUROSCOPE for configuration options.
The TSC can operate at 3.3V as well as 5V (default), but most standard LC displays will only
operate at 5V.
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SK-TSC-1125S User Guide
2.5 I2C header (X1) pinout (ADA-16FX-TSC-LCD)
X5 Pin
Connected to
JP6, X3 Pin 1
JP4, X3 Pin 2
I2C Serial Clock Line
I2C Serial Data Line
System Ground
VCC for TSC and LCD
X3 Pin 5
X3 Pin 6
Touch interrupt from TSC to MCU
General Purpose interrupt from TSC to MCU
‘Beep’ Signal for Piezo Buzzer
(FMA1127-40N only)
X3 Pin 7
X3 Pin 8
X4 Pin 1
X4 Pin 2
Reset Pin of TSC
X3 can be used to access the TSC signals, e.g. to route the Interrupts to an appropriate
external interrupt pin of the MCU.
2.6 LCD header (X5) pinout (ADA-16FX-TSC-LCD)
V0 (contrast)
VLED (Backlight +)
VLSS (Backlight -)
The contrast for the (optional) LC display can be adjusted using RP1.
2.7 Further connection options
Using X3 (VCC), X4 (GND) and X2 (GPIO0 – 3), additional connections to the FMA1125 can
be made. X2 is connected to the digital input / output pins GPIO0-3 of the TSC. If these are
to be connected to external circuits, the on-board LEDs can be disabled by opening JP3.
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SK-TSC-1125S User Guide
3 Basic Tuning Process using the Command Line Interface
and a PC Terminal Program
The SK-TSC-1125S kit can also be used together with a demo application running on the
SK-16FX-EUROSCOPE to adapt settings like sensitivity and other parameters in the running
application and to optimize performance.
Here for, only a terminal program is needed on the PC, so it is platform independent. The
Fujitsu Startkerkit Wizard is recommended for this, as it supports the ‘Form Feed’ command
which is used for the monitoring modes explained later in this document.
Please note that the SK Wizard only supports UART numbers 1-4. For this reason, the
UART used for terminal communication has to be COM1-4 on the PC. If this is not the case
(often the SK16FX will have a higher COM port number), the assigned COM port number
has to be changed in the control panel (Device Manager -> Ports (COM & LPT) -> right-click
on ‘FUJITSU Microcontroller Board (COMx)’ -> Properties -> Port Settings -> Advanced)
Open the SK Wizard or Terminal Program and connect to the UART (8N1, 115200 baud)
and type ‘help<ENTER>’ for a list of available commands. The most important will be also
explained in the following.
Numerically monitor current impedance values and touch status
Graphically monitor current impedance values and touch status
Bars turn from ‘ | ’ to ‘ * ’ when pad is active
Turn off monitoring
‘srd nn’
Set Reference Delay to nn (0-127, decimal). A lower value moves all
Bars (mon2 mode) to the right, a higher to the left.
Set Alpha (sensitivity) of channel nn to value mm (0-127, decimal)
Set all Alphas (PA0-7) to mm (0-127, decimal)
Show current values of Alpha and Reference Delay
Issue a Warm Reset to the TSC (activate settings + force calibration)
Select Chip ID nn (hex) for tuning
‘sa nn mm’
‘sax mm’
Reset all TSCs to the power-up firmware defaults used by the demo
Print out current register settings
‘set nn mm’
‘setx nn mm’
‘rd nn’
Set register nn (hex) to mm (decimal)
Set register nn (hex) to mm (hex)
Read register x (hex)
‘sf p t’
Set TSC internal low pass filter to period p and threshold t (p>t)
(touch will be signalled when more than t samples during one period p
are active, p and t <= 15)
‘stp n’
‘ldp n’
Increment all Alpha values by nn
Decrement all Alpha values by nn
Store current parameters to Flash preset n (n = 0…9)
Load preset n from Flash and write to TSC registers
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SK-TSC-1125S User Guide
Typically, to start tuning a new application, first of all the Reference Delay and Alpha settings
need to be set. For this, the ‘mon2’ monitor mode can help to directly show the effect of
changed settings.
The Reference Delay is set by the ‘srd nn’ command, where ‘nn’ is the desired value from 0-
127. A warm reset command is issued automatically to activate the new setting. Typical
starting value will be ~50-80, depending on the touch electrodes connected.
The Reference Delay value moves all of the bars (mon2 mode) to the left (higher RD value)
or to the right (lower RD value). Using the Reference Delay, the average (idle) impedance of
all touch sensors can be placed somewhere in the middle of the FMA1125 dynamic range,
indicated by the bars. Incrementing the Reference Delay by one step has a similar effect as
attaching an external capacitor of 0.078pF to the PAREF pin of the TSC (depending on the
R_SEL settings of the TSC, please refer to the FMA1125 register description for details). So,
in case the reference delay maximum value of 127 is not sufficient, an additional capacitor of
max. ~10 pF can be connected to the PAREF pin to increase the reference impedance
If the difference between the sensor idle impedances of the channel is too high (e.g. some
channels smaller ~30, others bigger ~100), small tuning capacitors (some few pf; 1 count
step = 0.078pF depending on R_SEL settings) should be added (from the touch pads to
ground), so that the idle capacitances of the different channels are in the same range.
However, a difference of 40-50 counts still is not critical as long as there is enough room left
to 0 and 127. Therefore, most typical applications will not require tuning capacitors.
After setting the Reference Delay, the Alpha of the channels can be set. Alpha is the
difference between measured impedance and the reference in idle (not touched) state. A
smaller value of Alpha makes the pad more sensitive, while increasing Alpha decreases
sensitivity. Typical values for a directly touched (only solder stop or thin foil between
electrode and finger) pad will be ~20 or higher. If some mm of plastic is used as front cover,
typical Alpha values will be in the range of 5-15.
When a front panel with high dielectric constant, such as glass, is pressed against the touch
electrodes during operation (no front panel present at power-up or reset), the sudden
increase in capacitance might be detected as touch. As the Automatic Impedance
Calibration is suspended as long as a touch is detected, a calibration should be forced (e.g.
by using the ‘wr’ command to issue a warm reset) after the front panel was added during
operation and when this was detected as touch. If the front panel is already present during
power-up or reset, the initial calibration will automatically adjust sensitivity.
Based on these Settings, the Alpha values can be set for all input channels (‘sax’), for one
channel only (‘sa’), or it can be incremented / decremented for all channels (a+nn / a-nn).
The current values of Alpha and Reference Delay can be checked with the ‘sv’ command.
All remaining registers can be accessed by the ‘set’ and ‘setx’ commands using their
addresses. Please note that after writing to certain registers, a ‘warm reset’ has to be
performed e.g. using the ‘wr’ command. This also will trigger a calibration.
Up to 10 register settings (all read/writable registers) can be stored to and loaded from the
internal Flash memory of the Microcontroller using the ‘stp’ and ‘ldp’ commands.
Please refer to the application note ‘FMA1125_Init_Reg_Description’ for further register
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SK-TSC-1125S User Guide
Figure 3: Monitor Mode (‚mon2’)
In mon2 mode, channels with active touch status will be shown with stars ‘*’, those in
inactive state are shown with lines ‘|’.
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SK-TSC-1125S User Guide
5 Information in the WWW
Information about FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS Products
can be found on the following Internet pages:
Touch sensor controllers:
Microcontrollers (8-, 16- and 32bit), Graphics Controllers
Datasheets and Hardware Manuals, Support Tools (Hard- and Software)
Linear Products: Power Management, A/D and D/A Converters
Media Products: SAW filters, acoustic resonators and VCOs
For more information about FUJITUS MICROELECTRONICS
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SK-TSC-1125S User Guide
7 Recycling
Gültig für EU-Länder:
Gemäß der Europäischen WEEE-Richtlinie und deren Umsetzung in landesspezifische
Gesetze nehmen wir dieses Gerät wieder zurück.
Zur Entsorgung schicken Sie das Gerät bitte an die folgende Adresse:
Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH
Monzastraße 4a
D-63225 Langen
Valid for European Union Countries:
According to the European WEEE-Directive and its implementation into national laws we
take this device back.
For disposal please send the device to the following address:
Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH
Monzastraße 4a
D-63225 Langen
-- END --
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